Sponsorship Opportunities
If you're eager to boost your company's visibility among conference participants and establish it as an industry leader, sponsorship should be on your radar as a vital marketing strategy. Sponsorship provides a focused and cost-effective approach to help you achieve your company's marketing goals and shows your support for the Montana captive domicile!
Grizzly Sponsor (exclusive)- Member - $3,500 |
- 2 Complimentary full conference registrations (additional registrations available at Early Bird pricing)
- Company logo with link listed as Grizzly Sponsor on all email marketing communications
- Company logo with link listed as Grizzly Sponsor on the homepage of MCIA website and conference home page
- Company logo on registration backdrop
- Company logo on the cover of the Conference handout that is distributed to all attendees upon conference check-in
- Company logo listed as Grizzly Sponsor at receptions, breakfasts, lunches, and breaks
- Complimentary 6’ table for display during the event (tabletop displays only – all materials must fit on table)

Big Horn Sponsor - Member - $2,500 |
- 1 Complimentary full conference registration (additional registrations available at Early Bird pricing)
- Company logo with link listed as Big Horn Sponsor on the homepage of MCIA website and conference home page
- Company logo with listing as Big Horn Sponsor in the Official Conference Program
- Company logo with link listed as Big Horn Sponsor on all email marketing communications
- Company logo listed as Big Horn Sponsor at receptions, breakfasts, lunches, and breaks
- Complimentary 6’ table for display during the event (tabletop displays only – all materials must fit on the table)

Educational Session Video Ad (5 Available) - Member - $1,500 |
- One (1) 30-second video ad to be displayed before the educational session begins. Advertisement must be pre-recorded and sent to MCIA on or before June 9, 2025 in .mp4 format and must be under 4GB in size
- Registrations at a reduced rate

Lanyards - Member - $1,500 |
- Company name and logo prominently displayed on each lanyard given to each attendee upon check-in (sponsor is responsible for all production costs in addition to the sponsorship fee)

Registration Sponsor - Member - $1,500 |
- Company logo prominently displayed on all email confirmations when attendees register for the conference

Attendee List Sponsor - Member - $1,000-SOLD |
- Company logo will be on the cover of the Attendee List given out to all conference attendees

To check availability or to reserve a sponsorship opportunity, please call
866.388.6242 or visit www.mtcaptives.org